Monday 31 October 2016

Right at your fingertips: the ETF on the FTSE China A50 Index with the lowest cost1!
AMUNDI FTSE China A50 Index ETF provides access to the FTSE China A50 Index at estimated ongoing charges of only 0.48%1, being the lowest on the market on this exposure.
Along with the growing importance of China in global capital markets, international investors have been searching for access to the A-shares market.
- The FTSE China A50 Index is a real-time, tradable index comprising the largest 50 A-Share companies2 by full market capitalization among the securities listed on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges.
- The FTSE China A50 Index is one of the flagship indices used by investors when including China domestic market in their global asset allocation.
- Replicating this index, Amundi FTSE China A50 Index ETF invests physically and directly in the China A-shares market through the RQFII quota granted to Amundi Asset Management and/or through Stock Connect.
“We’re delighted to provide investors with this new passive investment brick at the lowest cost on the market1. Cost-efficiency is one of Amundi ETF key-strengths, together with innovation, two core-pillars that led us to position ourselves as a top-5 ETF provider in Europe3. This second listing in Hong Kong this year illustrates our strong commitment to develop our local range to answer growing Hong Kong investors demand for ETFs”.
Fannie Wurtz, Managing Director at Amundi ETF, Indexing & Smart Beta
Discover AMUNDI FTSE CHINA A50 INDEX ETF's Product Factsheet
1. Data as of 15/09/2016 - Estimated ongoing charges of Amundi FTSE China A50 Index ETF: 0.48% per annum (Source: Amundi Hong Kong), the cheapest compared to expense ratio of all HK listed ETFs tracking the FTSE China A50 index (Source: Bloomberg, Field “Expense Ratio”). As the ETF is newly set up, this figure is a best estimate only. It may be different upon actual operation of the ETF and may vary from year to year.
2. The FTSE China A50 index includes the 50 largest China-listed companies. Please read the disclaimer in relation to the FTSE China A50 index in the Prospectus.
3. Source: European Monthly ETF Market Review - Deutsche Bank as at 31 december 2015.